Kash Crop – Dust Bowl Brewing Review #6

Ever had a Hell or High Mango from 21st Amendment? Do you want a better one?

I’ll be honest, wheat ales, fruit ales, they aren’t my forté. But on a sunny day (only benefit of being in CA these days) after a long 9 hole, oh my gosh is this refreshing. So clear, bright, juicy too. I drank it like water, and was really debating a second one.

What I like about this is they own the fact that its a cash grab. Wheat ales are notoriously a summertime beer, so making it a year-round ale… doesn’t really give you the street cred in the craft beer industry. But we’re Californians, and we throw it in the rest of the country’s face all the time. So keep shoveling your driveway Colorado, we’re gonna drink our summer beers while wearing shorts and eating our avocado toast.

Rating: 6.8

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