Colorado the Cruel, journey for a thousand beers

It’s been quite awhile since I last check in – 2 months, which in quarantine time is maybe 6 months. Also, bad sales quarter and vacations are not a great mix. So with that, I thought I’d recap a vacation I took all the way back in February to Breckenridge, CO (for snowboarding, but also helps that they have a huge craft beer scene).

Telluride Brewing – Face Down Brown Ale

In what I would call the Denver Arts District. Think Marlboro hats and sarcastic tattoos

Rating: 8.1

Sexy Motor Oil – Breckenridge Brewery

Brewed in house – ignore the Hazy near me and whatever outfit I decided to wear that day

Rating: 9.0 – my first 9 and even I’m surprised. This is easily one of the best beers I’ve ever had and to this date my favorite stout. This was their Bourbon barrel-aged version, and while apparently their standard stout is just as good, I kinda doubt it. It was aged in vanilla as well, and combining with a delicious bread-y kind of malt, this just hits all the criteria. It’s freaking amazing. Exclusively sold at Breckenridge Brewing, so I don’t know how I’ll ever get it again. But mark my words. I will.

2 Planker – Breckenridge Brewery

Rating: 7.2

It’s aw-right. The hops are from some goat farm in Colorado if I recall. Still West-Coast style technically.

Sad Panda Coffee Stout – Horse & Dragon Brewing

I do not have a picture of it, but at the same dive bar we were at, they had a bottle of Old Pappy Van Winkle. Which I really wanted to steal. Or down. But instead I took a creepy pic

Rating: 8.2

This was actually incredibly good stout as well, it’s labeled as a coffee stout and was fantastic to have after a morning of snowboarding. Caramel notes included with notes of vanilla and chocolate.

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