Our monthly feature of Hobbits be Drinking explores in more depth the use of beer and other alcohol in Tolkien’s works. Passages are taken largely out of LotR
If I were to take every beer reference out of the entire Tolkien legendarium, I would assume most would be from Fellowship. They are rife with references to good ales and aged wines. Why so many in The Fellowship in particular? Certainly, what plays a factor is the fact that the quest is only just starting and not yet as perilous, leading to more merriment. But I think it’s even more simple than that. The first half of the book only has hobbits. Which leads me to my main point:
Hobbits be drinking.
Hobbits are like a bunch of 21 year old LA hipsters; fueled by alcohol, they come from the South…ern California, and gentrify good land, singing loudly and opening brunch spots (uh… “second breakfast”? We know what that really is). But did you know they also have craft breweries too? At least that’s what I imagine when I picture The Golden Perch.
‘All right!’ said Pippin. ‘I will follow you into every bog and ditch. But it is hard! I had counted on passing The Golden Perch at Stock before sundown. The best beer in the Eastfarthing, or used to be: it is a long time since I tasted it.’
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, “A Shortcut to Mushrooms”
Seriously, is that not something you would here from your 23 year old intern at work? Unfortnately, Pippin never makes it to The Golden Perch (he whines about it a few more times). We don’t see it ever mentioned again, and this is the type of stuff that keeps me up at night. The best beer? I swear, if they advertise that and they arrive only to find out its a Hazy IPA, I’d throw the book out the window.
Fun fact: a New Zealand brewery by the name of The Yeastie Boys (no comment) made an interpretation of a Golden Ale, and I must admit I’m rather jealous.